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SYSTEM: Kick Off Meeting (Mérida)

Our second Erasmus+ project is already on progress 🔥🔥

🚀«SYSTEM: Supporting Youth in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths» has just begun. A kick off meeting hold in Mérida (Extremadura, Spain) has been the first act of the project with Italy, Turkey and Spain as participants countries. 🇪🇸🇹🇷🇮🇹

Coordinadores del proyecto Erasmus+ SYSTEM Suppoting Youth in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths

In Day 1 of the Kick Off Meeting, we have been hosted by Mérida Town Hall, the mayor, Mr Antonio Rodríguez Osuna and the Education city councillor, Ms Susana Fajardo Bautista. We thank you your hospitality, your time and your support Ayuntamiento de Mérida y el alcalde Antonio Rodriguez Osuna , y la concejala de educación Susana Fajardo Bautista a los que os agradecemos vuestro tiempo y vuestra bienvenida a los profesores italianos y turcos

This project aims to foster scientific and technological profiles through Non-Formal Education and deal with challenges in the innovation, science and technology ecosystem in the internacional scenario. There is going to be 3 mobilities in Badajoz, Spain, Istanbul, Turkey and Paternò, Italy and a virtual Meeting 🇹🇷, Paternó 🇮🇹 y Badajoz 🇪🇸 además de una reunión virtual a mitad de proyecto

Steam Center Badajoz , el IES Sáenz de Buruaga , Istituto d’istruzione superiore Francesco Redi and Adile Mermeci Anadolu Lisesi are the key partners of this project

🎯 Our purpose in Extremadura mobilities is going to be to promote STEAM education and innovation work done in Extremadura, as one of our main work areas in Extremundo, as previous projects

🇪🇸 Mérida has been selected to coordinate the project and start the work team. Cultural visit, visit to the Town Hall, work time in Centro Cultural Alcazaba, visit to IES Saenz de Buruaga. We thank Mérida Town Hall and Saenz de Buruaga to host us and create work time & places to strengthen links among partners. The participants have been interviewed in scholar radio in Saenz de Buruaga

Stay tuned to know more about this beautiful project. Our second Erasmus+ project after 🤩 another beautiful project as YFCE: Young Fact-Checking Experts


Cofunded by Erasmus+. SYSTEM - Supporting Youth in STEM is the naming of this KA210 Erasmus+ project financed with 30.000€ by SEPIE National Erasmus+ Agency in Spain