Our first Youth Exchange is done. We are very happy to host our first Youth Exchange. We have waited for a long time and it is done!

Arrival Day
👏 Arrival Day
🥳 We have welcomed our Youth Exchange participants
🇦🇲🇪🇬🇬🇪🇲🇹🇷🇴🇲🇰🇪🇸 Young people from Malta, Macedonia, Egypt, Armenia, Georgia and Spain are going to learn and become experts in fighting against Fake News
🇪🇺 Our first Youth Exhange is ON!
Activities Day 1
🥳 First Day of activities!
Big Day in Cuacos! Activities have started
📝 Welcoming with Cuacos de Yuste Major, visit to Environmental Educational Center, Team Building Activities, Spanish Vuelta Ciclista in front of Yuste Monastery, goals and expectations of the program... and night visit to the village
Big start!
Activities Day 2
Activities Day 2 is done!
Activities from Aitor🇪🇸 and Arminda🇷🇴, Kahoot Erasmus+ Kahoot and Fighting against Fake News have been our sessions today
Aitor has brought a summary and a research in increasing political parties, Fake News and role of media, Arminda has done a dynamical session about spreading information, and our staff trainers Joaquín and Javier have completed the day with a Erasmus+ Kahoot and how to fight against Fake News, cognitive biases, data manipulation through scientific approach and critical thinking
And our vicepresident Marivi has been also welcomed by our participants!
Today we have gone deep into the topic but also Intercultural Nights from Armenia 🇦🇲 and Egypt 🇪🇬
Another big day! 🥳🇪🇺👏
Activities Day 3
Activities Day 3 done!
National research and presentations about Fake News, City Game in Cuacos de Yuste, dinamization activities and a wonderful intercultural night with 4 countries 🇲🇰🇬🇪🇲🇹🇹🇩
We have learned about traditions, meals, culture and hostory of Malta, Macedonia, Romania and Georgia
We have interacted with local people to know about Carlos V and stories regarding to his live and Cuacos streets, squares and history
We are almost in the middle of the project! 🇪🇺🥳
Intercultural Day: Activities Day 4
📸 We have pictures of Cultural Day!
😍 Cuacos de Yuste, Yuste's monastery, Garganta la Olla, Jaraíz de la Vera's Lake, La Vera typical products, have been our touristic visits in cultural day, little break for learning
🔙 Still collecting big moments in this cosy, wonderful and amazing area of Extremadura!
Activites Day 5
¡Día 5 de actividades!
¡Volvemos a la carga tras el día Intercultural!
Hoy hemos tenido una videollamada con el eurodiputado extremeño (y además de La Vera) Nacho Sánchez Amor, que nos ha ofrecido una visión general de las Fake News desde el ámbito político e internacional
Hemos aprendido a generar nuestras propias Fake News, lo que nos ayudará a combatirlas gracias al equipo Macedonio 🇲🇰 y también hemos aprendido a cómo tratar con las Fake News de un tema específico, en este caso sobre el Cambio Climático pero extrapolable a otras temáticas como el Covid, Inmigración…
¡A por los dos últimos días del programa!
Activites Day 6
Pictures of activites Day 6 📸
We have had Maldita videocall, big organisation in disinformation fight. They have showed their work, their knowledge and real-word examples in Fight News. Our participants are becoming Fact-checkers experts! Highlight of the day! @maldita.es Great videocall!
We have given points for City Game and reflected about the role of technology and Social Media in spreading information
Activities Day 7
Pictures from last day! 😥
Entregas de Youthpass y visita a la @fundacionyuste en el Monasterio de Yuste
We have had Youthpass ceremony in Yuste's Monastery and visit to Yuste's Foundation. They have shown how they work on research, strengthening european and international relationships. Italian expert Ester's visit in Fake News to know about real european projects in Fake News
And closing the project with last evaluation, farewell party, Erasmus+ caked and birthday's participants celbrations, some surprises and private bus to Madrid for most of our participants
We really thank our participants and appreciate your effort and contributions. We love you from Extremundo! ❤
YFCE, project supported by Erasmus+ program
Young Fact-Checking Experts: Unleash Your Critical Thinking is supported and powered by Erasmus+ as Youth Exchange
Which countries have participated?
lmost 40 people from 7 countries have been selected due to their will to learn about Fake News, profiles and interests. Malta, Macedonia, Egypt, Georgia, Armenia, Spain and Romania have been the national delegations in this Youth Exchange
Where it has been celebrated?
The event was celebrated in Cuacos de Yuste, a village from La Vera in the province of Cáceres. It is famous as it was retirement's place of Charles V emperor. He was king of Spaint, known as Carlos I, and emperor of Sacre German Empire, known as Carlos V. He heritaged the German Empire and Spanish territories in times of european and christianism comeback. He is considerated as one of the most powerful man in history. His life is related to union between different countries and origin of Europe.
A very european village where the Carlos V award is given every year around Europe's Day (9th May). This award's ceremony is celebrated in Monastery of Yuste, in front of our Environmental Educational Center, our home. We have visited it in Cultural's Day and Youthpass ceremony, the same place where Angela Merkel or Sofia Corradi have been awarded. You can breathe europeism and international environment in this village, a perfect place for Erasmus+ activities!
Pictures: José Luis de la Torre Reyes