Activities are designed for students from 13 to 17 from Italy, Turkey and Spain and rest of participant profiles (teachers, youth workers, trainers and innovation ecosystem actors)
The most relevant priority of the project is to promote interest and excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and the STEAM approach, including the Art section
Who are going to be the participants in the project?
The promoters of our project are Asociación Extremundo, STEAM Center Badajoz, Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria "Sáenz de Buruaga", Instituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Francesco Redi" and Adile Mermeci Anadolu Lisesi
The Kick-Off Meeting is going to be held in Mérida, Spain from 13th to 16th December (with collaboration of Mérida's City Hall) and the Learning and Training Activities if nothing changes in Paternò, in February 2023, in Badajoz, Spain in May 2023 and Istanbul, Turkey in September 2023
Which activities are going to be devoloped?
Escape Rooms, Scientific Tours, visit to laboratories, faculties, innovation spaces, scientific challenges, expert talks and tourism visit and local experiences are going to be some of the activities we are going to enjoy in the project
SYSTEM, a project supported by Erasmus+
SYSTEM: Supporting Youth in Science, Technology and Education is supported by Erasmus+ as a KA210 SCH Small Scall Partnerships in School Education