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Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students

Dear Friends, let me introduce our running project called “Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students” with project code 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078810.

The project aim is to create a learning community based on training especially focusing on helping break down the barriers and attitudes that result Roma communities improving the outcomes for this group. Also, the partners -Gymnasio Zipariou, Kos, ICON (Greece); ISTITUTO PROFESSIONALE ALBERGHIERO TURISTICO, VEM, (Italy); Vocational High School of Transport and Transport Management, (Bulgaria); Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha, (Portugal); Centro Concertado Leonardo da Vinci, (Spain); Szolnoki SZC Klapka György Technikum és Szakképző Iskola, Testvérvárosok Baráti Egyesülete, (Hungary)- want to raise awareness of the importance of intercultural dialogue among European citizens.

Lets know each other Erasmus+ project
Picture of the meeting

The 1st Erasmus+ Kick off Meeting was held between 20 – 23 of September in 2021, at Concertado “Leonardo da Vinci”, Los Belones, Spain.

During the meeting we exchanged our practices about Roma inclusion, Roma and education, policies and strategies for Roma education and focused on and clarified important aspects.

The first LTTA took place between 22-26 November 2021 in Hungary, Jászberény. The main goal of the meeting was to gain deep insight into the Hungarian education system with the purpose to get to know how the Hungarian educational institutions succeed to integrate roma students into the education, which projects and measures are available to prevent roma students from early school-leaving both on local and national level.

In the framework of LTTA the participants were offered the possibility to change experiences, good practices related to the topic of the project, taking into consideration all cultural diversities.

The 2nd Erasmus+ Transnational Project Meeting was held between 24 – 26 of January in 2022, organized by V.E.M. srls, Reggio Calabria and IPALBTUR Villa San Giovanni at Reggio Calabria, Italy, where we focused on the Monitoring project development, targets, budget and financial procedures, implementation of evaluation strategy, completing the evaluation reports.
The collaboration, environment, and atmosphere in which the meetings were held was excellent. New perspectives and values have been broadened, our experience has been good to think about the differences and similarities among countries and people, racism, ignorance and prejudice has been reduced.

The second LTTA took place between 03-07 October 2022 in Bulgaria, Kazanlak. The participants were professionals and teachers that work with Roma students and Roma people. During the meeting we exchanged our practices about Roma inclusion, Roma and education, policies and strategies for Roma education and focused on and clarified important aspects.

Los participantes eran profesionales y profesores que trabajan con estudiantes y personas gitanas. Durante la reunión intercambiamos nuestras prácticas sobre la inclusión de los gitanos, los gitanos y la educación, las políticas y estrategias para la educación de los gitanos y nos centramos y aclaramos aspectos importantes.